targets with data available for at least one indicator
applicable indicators with data available for South Africa
South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 12.
Target 12.1
Implement the 10-Year Sustainable Consumption and Production Framework
1/2 covered
Target 12.2
Sustainable Management and Use of Natural Resources
2/8 covered
Target 12.3
Halve Global Per Capita Food Waste
1/2 covered
Target 12.4
Responsible Management of Chemicals and Waste
2/3 covered
Target 12.5
Substantially Reduce Waste Generation
1/4 covered
Target 12.6
Encourage Sustainable Practices for Companies
1/1 covered
Target 12.7
Sustainable Public Procurement Practices
0/1 covered
Target 12.8
Promote Universal Understanding of Sustainable Lifestyles
1/1 covered
Target 12.A
Strengthen the Scientific and Technological Capacity of Developing Countries
1/1 covered
Target 12.B
Develop and Implement Tools to Monitor Sustainable Tourism
1/1 covered
Target 12.C
Remove Market Distortions that Encourage Wasteful Consumption
1/2 covered
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