targets with data available for at least one indicator
applicable indicators with data available for South Africa
South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 16.
Target 16.1
Reduce Violence Everywhere
4/14 covered
Target 16.2
Protect Children from Abuse, Exploitation, Trafficking and Violence
5/11 covered
Target 16.3
Promote the Rule of Law and Access to Justice for All
6/9 covered
Target 16.4
Combat Organized Crime and Illicit Financial and Arms Flows
2/7 covered
Target 16.5
Reduce Corruption and Bribery
1/7 covered
Target 16.6
Effective, Accountable and Transparent Institutions
1/2 covered
Target 16.7
Responsive, Inclusive and Representative Decision-Making
1/3 covered
Target 16.8
Full Participation of Developing Countries in Global Governance
1/3 covered
Target 16.9
Universal Legal Identity and Birth Registration
1/1 covered
Target 16.10
Ensure Public Access to Information and Protect Fundamental Freedoms
1/3 covered
Target 16.11
By 2030, strengthen South Africa's anti-transnational crimes operation in order to deal with crimes such as piracy
0/5 covered
Target 16.12
Strengthen the protection of whistle-blowers
0/5 covered
Target 16.13
Increase investigations on the value for money of tenders (and
0/1 covered
Target 16.14
Establish clear criteria for the appointment of judges and scale up judicial training to improve the quality of judges. Increase legal representation for the poor and speed up the administration of justice
0/4 covered
Target 16.15
Effective and efficient Justice
0/0 covered
Target 16.16
There is high level information sharing and co-ordination in the system and ensure a well coordinated approach to fighting corruption is in place
0/4 covered
Target 16.17
Increase the agencies' specialist resources i.e. capacity and funding.
0/3 covered
Target 16.18
Include corruption cases into businesses annual reports and government administration to increase transparency and build public trust
0/1 covered
Target 16.19
Enhanced Regional Collective Defence and capacity for the SADC Standby Force
0/6 covered
Target 16.A
Strong Institutions to Prevent Violence, Terrorism and Crime
1/4 covered
Target 16.B
Promote and Enforce Non-Discriminatory Laws
1/1 covered
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