targets with data available for at least one indicator
applicable indicators with data available for South Africa
South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 4.
Target 4.1
Free Primary and Secondary Education
3/4 covered
Target 4.2
Equal Access to Quality Pre-Primary Education
2/3 covered
Target 4.3
Equal Access to Affordable Technical, Vocational and Higher Education
3/3 covered
Target 4.4
Increase the Number of People with Relevant Skills for Financial Success
1/2 covered
Target 4.5
No Discrimination in Education
2/3 covered
Target 4.6
Universal Literacy and Numeracy
1/1 covered
Target 4.7
Education for Global Citizenship
1/1 covered
Target 4.8
South African should be functionally literate in English, learn at least one South African indigenous language,
0/5 covered
Target 4.10
Increase the number of social service professionals from about 15 500 to more than 55 000.
0/2 covered
Target 4.11
All schools should foster common values across language, culture, religion, race, class and space
0/2 covered
Target 4.12
Public servants recruitment should be exclusively on the basis of skills and experience
0/2 covered
Target 4.13
Pilot a formal graduate recruitment scheme to support departments in attracting and developing young talent
0/4 covered
Target 4.14
Develop approriate career paths for technical specialist from 2014/2015 onwards and appoint 100 000 youth to learnership, Internship and artisan programmes
0/1 covered
Target 4.15
Evidence of implementation and utisinse Regional ODL Strategic Plan in delivery of education and skills development Framework.
0/1 covered
Target 4.16
Evidence of the implementation of national TVET qualifications referenced to the Regional TVET Qualifications
0/1 covered
Target 4.17
Existence of national qualifications frameworks that are aligned to the Regional Qualifications
1/1 covered
Target 4.A
Build and Upgrade Inclusive and Safe Schools
1/1 covered
Target 4.B
Expand Higher Education Scholarships for Developing Countries
1/2 covered
Target 4.C
Increase the supply of qualified teachers In Developing Countries
2/2 covered
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