Overall stats about Goal 4 in South Africa

targets with data available for at least one indicator


applicable indicators with data available for South Africa

indicator coverage for Goal 4 in South Africa


South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 4.

Target 4.1

Free Primary and Secondary Education

3/4 covered

Target 4.2

Equal Access to Quality Pre-Primary Education

2/3 covered

Target 4.3

Equal Access to Affordable Technical, Vocational and Higher Education

3/3 covered

Target 4.4

Increase the Number of People with Relevant Skills for Financial Success

1/2 covered

Target 4.5

No Discrimination in Education

2/3 covered

Target 4.6

Universal Literacy and Numeracy

1/1 covered

Target 4.7

Education for Global Citizenship

1/1 covered

Target 4.8

South African should be functionally literate in English, learn at least one South African indigenous language,

0/5 covered

Target 4.10

Increase the number of social service professionals from about 15 500 to more than 55 000.

0/2 covered

Target 4.11

All schools should foster common values across language, culture, religion, race, class and space

0/2 covered

Target 4.12

Public servants recruitment should be exclusively on the basis of skills and experience

0/2 covered

Target 4.13

Pilot a formal graduate recruitment scheme to support departments in attracting and developing young talent

0/4 covered

Target 4.14

Develop approriate career paths for technical specialist from 2014/2015 onwards and appoint 100 000 youth to learnership, Internship and artisan programmes

0/1 covered

Target 4.15

Evidence of implementation and utisinse Regional ODL Strategic Plan in delivery of education and skills development Framework.

0/1 covered

Target 4.16

Evidence of the implementation of national TVET qualifications referenced to the Regional TVET Qualifications

0/1 covered

Target 4.17

Existence of national qualifications frameworks that are aligned to the Regional Qualifications

1/1 covered

Target 4.A

Build and Upgrade Inclusive and Safe Schools

1/1 covered

Target 4.B

Expand Higher Education Scholarships for Developing Countries

1/2 covered

Target 4.C

Increase the supply of qualified teachers In Developing Countries

2/2 covered

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