Overall stats about Goal 8 in South Africa

targets with data available for at least one indicator


applicable indicators with data available for South Africa

indicator coverage for Goal 8 in South Africa


South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 8.

Target 8.1

Sustainable Economic Growth

3/3 covered

Target 8.2

Diversify, Innovate and Upgrade for Economic Productivity

1/1 covered

Target 8.3

Promote Policies to Support Job Creation and Growing Enterprises

1/1 covered

Target 8.4

Improve Resource Efficiency in Consumption and Production

2/2 covered

Target 8.5

Decent Work and Equal Pay

6/10 covered

Target 8.6

Reduce Youth Unemployment

2/2 covered

Target 8.7

End Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Child Labour

1/2 covered

Target 8.8

Universal Labour Rights and Safe Working Environments

2/3 covered

Target 8.9

Promote Beneficial and Sustainable Tourism

1/3 covered

Target 8.10

Universal Access to Banking, Insurance and Financial Services

2/4 covered

Target 8.11

Provide support above 10 percent baseline to; (a) 58 000 informal businesses through the Informal and Micro Enterprise Development Programme (IMEDP), (b) 1 570 co-operatives through the Cooperatives Incentive Scheme (CIS) and 1600 co-operatives through training , (c ) 5000 small and medium enterprises through the BBSDP and 65 incubators through the Enterprise Incubation Programme (EIP), (d) 50 Co-location points established through the National Co-location Programme

0/5 covered

Target 8.12

All financial institutions subject to standards on product design, disclosure requirements, sale and distribution practices and customer treatment

0/1 covered

Target 8.13

95 percent compliance with all regulations relating to procurement;

0/1 covered

Target 8.14

Stimulation and expansion of the capital goods sector through the establishment of a Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa (MEM-SA)

0/1 covered

Target 8.15

Increased regional value chains and value addition for agricultural and non- agricultural products and improved financial market systems and monetary cooperation

3/3 covered

Target 8.A

Increase Aid for Trade Support for Developing Countries

0/4 covered

Target 8.B

Develop a Global Youth Employment Strategy

1/4 covered

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