targets with data available for at least one indicator
applicable indicators with data available for South Africa
South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 8.
Target 8.1
Sustainable Economic Growth
3/3 covered
Target 8.2
Diversify, Innovate and Upgrade for Economic Productivity
1/1 covered
Target 8.3
Promote Policies to Support Job Creation and Growing Enterprises
1/1 covered
Target 8.4
Improve Resource Efficiency in Consumption and Production
2/2 covered
Target 8.5
Decent Work and Equal Pay
6/10 covered
Target 8.6
Reduce Youth Unemployment
2/2 covered
Target 8.7
End Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Child Labour
1/2 covered
Target 8.8
Universal Labour Rights and Safe Working Environments
2/3 covered
Target 8.9
Promote Beneficial and Sustainable Tourism
1/3 covered
Target 8.10
Universal Access to Banking, Insurance and Financial Services
2/4 covered
Target 8.11
Provide support above 10 percent baseline to; (a) 58 000 informal businesses through the Informal and Micro Enterprise Development Programme (IMEDP), (b) 1 570 co-operatives through the Cooperatives Incentive Scheme (CIS) and 1600 co-operatives through training , (c ) 5000 small and medium enterprises through the BBSDP and 65 incubators through the Enterprise Incubation Programme (EIP), (d) 50 Co-location points established through the National Co-location Programme
0/5 covered
Target 8.12
All financial institutions subject to standards on product design, disclosure requirements, sale and distribution practices and customer treatment
0/1 covered
Target 8.13
95 percent compliance with all regulations relating to procurement;
0/1 covered
Target 8.14
Stimulation and expansion of the capital goods sector through the establishment of a Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa (MEM-SA)
0/1 covered
Target 8.15
Increased regional value chains and value addition for agricultural and non- agricultural products and improved financial market systems and monetary cooperation
3/3 covered
Target 8.A
Increase Aid for Trade Support for Developing Countries
0/4 covered
Target 8.B
Develop a Global Youth Employment Strategy
1/4 covered
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