Overall stats about Goal 11 in South Africa

targets with data available for at least one indicator


applicable indicators with data available for South Africa

indicator coverage for Goal 11 in South Africa


South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 11.

Target 11.1

By 2030 there should be a universal access to essential health services, all women receive support in case of maternity and no person is impoverished because of out-of-pocket health expenses

0/4 covered

Target 11.2

Increase the share of resources to social protection and increase the share of persons with social protection coverage by 2030

1/2 covered

Target 11.3

By 2030 all children should enjoy services and benefits aimed at facilitating access to nutrition, education.(page 363)

4/4 covered

Target 11.5

All South Africans should have access to basic services such as shelter, water, sanitation and energy by 2030. (page 363)

1/1 covered

Target 11.9

Increase the number of social service professionals from about 15 500 to more than 55 000. (page 377)

0/2 covered

Target 11.10

By 2030 all working individuals 15 years and older should be making adequate provision for retirement through mandated savings. (page 363)

0/1 covered

Target 11.11

By 2030, all workers in formal and informal employment must be covered against employment injuries (page 373)

0/1 covered

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