Overall stats about Goal 3 in South Africa

targets with data available for at least one indicator


applicable indicators with data available for South Africa

indicator coverage for Goal 3 in South Africa


South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 3.

Target 3.1

Annual GDP growth rate of 5.4 % between 2011 and 2030

1/1 covered

Target 3.2

Increase GDP per capita from about R50 000 per person in 2010 to R110 000 per person in 2030 in constant prices

1/1 covered

Target 3.3

Grow non traditional exports by 10%, Grow Exports by 6% per year by 2030

0/2 covered

Target 3.9

Stimulation and expansion of the capital goods sector through the establishment of a Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa (MEM-SA)

0/1 covered

Target 3.10

Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and, by 2030, significantly raise industry’s share of employment and gross domestic product, in line with national circumstances, and double its share in least developed countries

1/1 covered

Target 3.11

Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products

2/2 covered

Target 3.12

Intra Africa trade double from current levels of about 10% by 2030

1/1 covered

Target 3.14

Increase Gross Fixed Capital Formation from 17% to 30%

1/1 covered

Target 3.15

Increase Investment as a percent of GDP from 17% to 30% by 2030

0/1 covered

Target 3.17

Reduce Unemployment rate from 25% to 14 % in 2020 to 6 % by 2030

1/1 covered

Target 3.18

Increase economic participation in rural areas from 29% to 40% by 2030

2/2 covered

Target 3.21

Increase labour force participation rate from 54% to 65% by 2030

1/1 covered

Target 3.23

Increase employment-to-population ratio to 52% by 2020 and to 61 % by 2030.

1/1 covered

Target 3.25

Increase employment in the working age population(15 -64) from 41 % to 61% by 2030

3/3 covered

Target 3.26

Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high- value added and labour-intensive sectors

1/1 covered

Target 3.27

Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment

1/1 covered

Target 3.28

Increase the number of people employed in public employment programmes to 1 million by 2015 and 2 million people in 2030

0/2 covered

Target 3.30

Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets

0/2 covered

Target 3.31

Provide support above 10 percent baseline to; (a) 58 000 informal businesses through the Informal and Micro Enterprise Development Programme (IMEDP), (b) 1 570 co-operatives through the Cooperatives Incentive Scheme (CIS) and 1600 co-operatives through training , (c ) 5000 small and medium enterprises through the BBSDP and 65 incubators through the Enterprise Incubation Programme (EIP), (d) 50 Co-location points established through the National Co-location Programme

0/5 covered

Target 3.40

Decrease depency ratio on average from 5-6:1 to 4-5:1 for low-income households by 2030

1/1 covered

Target 3.41

Increase the propotion of rural (Non urban) working adults from 29% to 40% in 2030

1/1 covered

Target 3.42

Reduce Income Inequality from 0.7 to 0.60 by 2030

0/1 covered

Target 3.43

Reduce the proportion of the population below the poverty line from 39% to 0% in 2030

2/2 covered

Target 3.44

Increase the proportion of national income earned by the bottom 40% of income earners from 6% to 10% in 2030

1/2 covered

Target 3.45

Increase national savings from 16% to GDP to 25%

0/1 covered

Target 3.46

Increase Proportion of population with access to transactional financial services and savings facilities from 63 % to about 90% by 2030

2/2 covered

Target 3.47

All financial institutions subject to standards on product design, disclosure requirements, sale and distribution practices and customer treatment

0/1 covered

Target 3.48

95 percent compliance with all regulations relating to procurement;

0/1 covered

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