Overall stats about Goal 7 in South Africa

targets with data available for at least one indicator


applicable indicators with data available for South Africa

indicator coverage for Goal 7 in South Africa


South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 7.

Target 7.2

Strengthen economic diplomacy and build effective partnerships with private sector and state owned enterprises

0/1 covered

Target 7.3

Promote deeper regional intergration in southern Africa and promote greater trade integration throughout Africa

2/4 covered

Target 7.4

Develop relationship with South Africa's research and corporate institutions

2/2 covered

Target 7.5

Remain an influential member of international community

1/3 covered

Target 7.6

Increase the physical capacity to support trade and its underlying supply chains

0/4 covered

Target 7.7

Provide appropriate customs procedures and regulations

1/1 covered

Target 7.8

Increase in free movement of businesses across national boundaries

0/1 covered

Target 7.9

Strengthen relations with BRICS countries and ensure that Africa remains an important part of global production and value chains

0/1 covered

Target 7.10

Increase livelihoods that are dependent on agriculture and agro-processing in SA

0/1 covered

Target 7.11

Strengthen and sustain South Africa's anti-piracy operation such as South African Navy, South African Air Force, Special Force as well as South african Military Health Service

1/6 covered

Target 7.12

By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime

2/3 covered

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