NDP 2030
Goal 8 Transforming human settlement and the national space economy
targets with data available for at least one indicator
applicable indicators with data available for South Africa
South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 8.
Target 8.1
Have a national spatial framework
0/1 covered
Target 8.4
Diffuse funding flows into a single fund for spatial restructuring
0/1 covered
Target 8.5
Reform the infrastructure planning system
1/2 covered
Target 8.7
Create policies that ensure the sustainability of the regions that have natural resources and provide ecosystem lifelines to the country.
1/1 covered
Target 8.8
Enable citizens to participate in spatial visioning and planning processes.
0/1 covered
Target 8.10
Develop neighbourhood spatial compacts to bring civil society, business and the state together to solve problems.
0/4 covered
Target 8.14
Refurbish ageing urban infrastructures.
0/1 covered
Target 8.15
Additional 21 municipalities accredited to level 1 and additional 8 accredited to level 2
0/2 covered
Target 8.16
Develop instruments that will incentivise and complement investment by households
0/1 covered
Target 8.17
Ensure access to adequate housing with reliable electricity, safe water supplies, accessible public transport and hygienic and dignified sanitation.
1/2 covered
Target 8.19
Ensure investment to support the regional and local food production systems that build local rural economies and reduce national food security risks.
1/1 covered
Target 8.20
Develop land reform programme
0/1 covered
Target 8.21
Provide financial aid from the national budget for social infrastructure.
1/1 covered
Target 8.22
Upgrade informal settlements in suitable well located land
0/1 covered
Target 8.23
Provision of reliable and affordable public transport
0/1 covered
Target 8.25
Develop an environmental management framework
1/1 covered
Target 8.26
Progressively strengthen the energyefficiency criteria set out in the South African National Standard 204 to achieve a zerocarbon building standard by 2030.
0/1 covered
Target 8.28
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency.
0/2 covered
Target 8.30
Decrease the Distribution of and threats to natural resources.
2/3 covered
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